DJ Manz

DJ Manz is one of the fastest growing DJ’s on the wedding circuit. With tonnes of experience and being in the industry for over 12 years, DJ Manz is still consistent and one of the most talked about DJ’s to date.

DJ Manz’s versatile selection of music makes him proficient in: Bhangra, R&B, Hip Hop, Bollywood, 80s, Garage, Commercial charts and many more.

DJ Manz is known for his mixing skills in changing seamlessly between genres in order to keep dance floors packed.

DJ Manz has a love for music and has always been consistent in producing remixes, mixtapes and tracks. As he always says: “the marathon continues”.

DJ Manz is also a resident club DJ in the West End City which makes his knowledge and mixing skills even stronger.

Having travelled the world DJ Manz has created a name for being an international DJ in the wedding circuit. A few places he has rocked weddings at include: Kenya, Oman, Tenerife, Lake Como, Goa, Rajasthan, Dubai & Canada.

All of which are skills and experiences that make DJ Manz one of the most talked about DJ's in the Bhangra industry. 

Versatility of any genre & a tremendous amount of experience in both the wedding and club sector make DJ Manz the go to DJ for any event.

Like he always says:



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Beyond mere prevention, we provide solutions that adapt, learn, and grow to keep pace with evolving threats.


Beyond mere prevention, we provide solutions that adapt, learn, and grow to keep pace with evolving threats.

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